7 Audacious Character Traits Of A Bold Lifestyle Designer

1. They are rebellious

As a child, I used to crave freedom and independence. I had a burning desire to create my own rules and live by them.

I hated most of the things that I was supposed to do because of no solid reason. As a child, I wasn’t wise enough to make decisions for myself. So, most of the time the reason for my rebel could be wrong. But the character trait of a rebellion passed on as I grew up.

In the past, freedom fighters used to rebel and fight for their freedom. Today, lifestyle designers still do the same. Only the context has changed.

2. They are dreamers

Goals and dreams should be separate.

Dreams could be unrealistic or maybe even impossible. The important part is to have a dream and pursue it as your life depends on it.

Goals, on the other hand, could be short-term that could be connected to your dreams. They can be logical and realistic.

Failing to meet a goal is part of the journey but giving up on dreams is not an option for them.

3. They are self-starters

Lifestyle designers do not wait for the motivation to come. They don’t rely on willpower. They start working on their dream lifestyle regardless of the current circumstances.

While most people find excuses for not starting, lifestyle designers find excuses to start today. They design their present life such that they can eventually move a step closer towards their dream lifestyle.

4. They are go-getters

For lifestyle designers, obstacles are not fatal. They don’t give any obstacle the power to kill their dreams.

They are willing to take risks and leave their comfort zone for their dreams.

They protect their dreams and do whatever it takes to get what they want. Most of the time, there are roadblocks that they have to tackle. But sometimes they have to take an alternative route to move towards their destination.

5. They are skeptical

They don’t assume what society, culture, family, or friends have told them to be correct. Instead, they question assumptions.

They are ready to run experiments and allow themselves to run trails before coming to any conclusion. This sparks creativity in them and they can rise despite the ‘rules’ set by society.

They never stop learning. They even question themselves and seek creative ways to deal with problems.

6. They are self-assured

Self-assurance or self-efficiency is the belief in one’s own abilities and character. They truly believe that they will succeed.

They have an abundance mindset. They think big and believe that there is plenty of space and opportunity for success. They don’t let scarcity poison their mind.

7. They embrace change

They don’t fear change. In fact, they embrace it. They adapt to life situations and make changes as needed. They understand that change is part of the process of growth.

They adapt to circumstances and accept uncertainty in life.

Do you have what it takes to be a lifestyle designer?

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